Uwe Dierking


An der Autobahn 38

29690 Buchholz/Aller

Tel. 05071 - 3252


Fax 05071 - 4040







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Telefonisch sind wir über den AB erreichbar. Ich rufe so schnell es geht zurück!


Unsere Geschenkgutscheine waren immer eine gute Idee!

Sollten Sie noch einen nicht eingelösten Gutschein haben, sprechen Sie uns an - wir finden eine Lösung!

Uwe Dierking Reisen und Ferienwohnung mit Pfiff Tel: 05071 3252 0173 983 9584 dierking.reisen@t-online.de
Uwe DierkingReisen und Ferienwohnung mit PfiffTel: 05071 32520173 983 9584dierking.reisen@t-online.de

History and coporate philosophy


In August 1985 Uwe Dierking decided to take the step and found a new business. From the beginning on his motto was: „Reisen mit Pfiff - ein Qualitätsbegriff."


This means nothing else than always try to be different and better than your customer expects you to be especially in terms of quality.

So the company operated very customer oriented already in their first days.


In the first years Mr. Dierking focused on the planning and executing of group sales. But soon he started to take advantage of their gained know how and they developed an own range of services which was presented to his customer a few weeks later in form of a cataloge.


This proved to be very successful and the customers liked this mixture of group sales and self developed offers which still continue to be the main business of the company.



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